// ======= VARIABLES ======= $o-wblog-sidebar-width: 280px; $o-wblog-loader-size: 50px; // ======= ANIMATIONS ======= // Generic fade-in @keyframes o-wblog-fade-In { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes o-wblog-loader { 0%, 100% { animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 1, 0.5); } 0% { transform: rotateY(0deg); } 50% { transform: rotateY(1800deg); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1); } 100% { transform: rotateY(3600deg); } } // ======== MIXINS ========= // Create easing-linear-gradients. Compared to the standards liner-gradients // these are smoother and blends into their context increasing readability when // acts as background for text placed over images. // based on: https://css-tricks.com/easing-linear-gradients/ @mixin o-wbblog-scrim-gradient($colorFrom, $colorTo) { $scrimStops: 0% 0%, 26.2% 19%, 45.9% 34%, 61.8% 47%, 72.2% 56.5%, 80.6% 65%, 87.4% 73%, 92.5% 80.2%, 95.8% 86.1%, 97.9% 91%, 99.2% 95.2%, 99.8% 98.2%, 100% 100%; $stops: (); @each $scrimStop in $scrimStops { $stops: append($stops, mix($colorTo, $colorFrom, nth($scrimStop, 1)) nth($scrimStop, 2), comma) } background-image: linear-gradient(#{$stops}); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Website Blog //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .website_blog { .css_website_mail { .o_has_error { border-color: red; } .css_nav_month { display: none; &:first-of-type { display: block; } } } .o_wblog_page_cards_bg { // To be applied to the main container when 'card design' option is // enabled. Provide a slight darker bg that will blend the background // color chosen by the user, visually increasing the contrast in case of // brights (or white) backgrounds. // It shouldn't be noticeable on dark backgrounds. background-color: rgba(black, 0.005); } .o_wblog_read_with_sidebar { max-width: map-get($container-max-widths, md) + $o-wblog-sidebar-width; } // This option class is assigned to the post's content using the "Customize" // menu. The aim is to be able to write simple articles on the fly, // achieving a good design without being forced to use snippets. .o_wblog_read_text { font-size: 18px; line-height: 28px; font-weight: 300; p, ul, ol { margin-bottom: 1.55em; } li { margin-bottom: 1em; } .lead { font-size: 26px; line-height: 34px; margin-bottom: 40px; } } .o_wblog_author_avatar { width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em; max-width: none; object-fit: cover; } .o_wblog_author_avatar_date { // Resize in order to double the current font-size and accommodate // two text lines, name and date. width: 2em; height: 2em; max-width: none; object-fit: cover; } .o_wblog_social_links > a { @include size(3em); > i { font-size: 1.3em; } } // Blog Post Page // ============================================== #o_wblog_post_content { min-height: 350px !important; a.oe_mail_expand:after { content: " →"; } a.oe_mail_expand { font-weight: bold; } } #o_wblog_post_comments { .o_portal_chatter > hr { display: none; } } // Blog Post Page Cover // ============================================== .o_wblog_post_page_cover { // Cover sizes // ============================================== &.cover_auto { padding: 3rem 0; // The actual height will always be 'auto'. The following // min-height rule is set to trigger the page transition only. min-height: 1px; } // "Regular Cover" design sizes // ============================================== &.o_wblog_post_page_cover_regular { &.o_full_screen_height { min-height: 70vh !important; } &.o_half_screen_height { min-height: 40vh !important; } &.cover_auto { min-height: 150px; padding: 0; } } // If a cover image is defined, adapt inner typography &.o_record_has_cover { .o_record_cover_image:after { content: ""; display: block; @include o-position-absolute(0,0,50%,0); @include o-wbblog-scrim-gradient(rgba(black, 0.5), transparent); } .o_wblog_post_title { color: white; } &.o_wblog_post_page_cover_regular { .o_record_cover_image:after { visibility: hidden; } } } } // Blog Post Specific // ============================================== .o_wblog_post_title { #o_wblog_post_name { font-weight: $display4-weight; line-height: $display-line-height; // Default font-size. @include font-size($display4-size); } #o_wblog_post_subtitle { font-weight: $lead-font-weight; // Default font-size. @include font-size($lead-font-size); } } // Refine multi-lines titles when using 'regular' cover .o_wblog_regular_cover_container #o_wblog_post_name { line-height: 1; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } .o_wblog_post_page_cover_footer { min-height: 33vh; // Emulate native jQuery 'swing' easing to match js code transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(.02, .01, .47, 1); } #o_wblog_next_container { background-color: $body-bg; cursor: pointer; .o_wblog_next_loader { transform: translateZ(1px); div { @include size($o-wblog-loader-size); background: rgba(black, 0.15); animation: o-wblog-loader 2.4s cubic-bezier(0, 0.2, 0.8, 1) infinite; } } .o_wblog_next_fake_btn { height: $o-wblog-loader-size; } } #o_wblog_post_main.o_wblog_post_main_transition { animation: o-wblog-fade-In 1s cubic-bezier(.02, .01, .47, 1); } // "Read next article" (with "Regular Cover") #o_wblog_post_footer a.w-25 { flex: 0 0 auto; } // Blog Index Pages // ============================================== #o_wblog_posts_loop { .o_record_cover_container { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.3); padding-top: 33%; height: auto!important; // This is mandatory as we do not want the CoverProperties // sizing classes to be applied here min-height: auto!important; &:hover .o_record_cover_image { opacity: 0.8; } } .o_wblog_normalize_font { // normalize fonts font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.45; } .o_wblog_post_list_author { @include o-wbblog-scrim-gradient(transparent, rgba(black, 0.5)); } &.o_wblog_list_view { .o_record_cover_container { padding-top: 20%; } .o_wblog_post_cover_nocard .o_record_cover_container { padding-top: 33%; } } } // Editor Helpers // ============================================== body.editor_enable & { // Make empty covers visible in edit mode .o_record_cover_container.o_wblog_post_page_cover:not(.o_record_has_cover) { padding: 30px 0; } // Hide the big "DRAG BUILDING BLOCKS HERE" box when inside a sidebar. // The purple lines are enough to help the user dropping snippets. #o_wblog_sidebar .oe_structure:empty { display: none; } } } #o_wblog_post_content_jump { @extend .o_scroll_button; @include size($o-wblog-loader-size); background-color: rgba(black, 0.5); &:hover { background-color: rgba(black, 0.7); } }