// // Color system // // Use auto threshold for yiq colors // Note: also need to be defined here so that color-yiq below works $yiq-contrasted-threshold: false !default; // Customize the light and dark text colors for use in our YIQ color contrast function. $yiq-text-dark: o-color('900') !default; $yiq-text-light: o-color('white') !default; // Spacing // // Control the default styling of most Bootstrap elements by modifying these // variables. Mostly focused on spacing. // You can add more entries to the $spacers map, should you need more variation. $spacer: 1rem !default; // Need to predefine as used below // Body // // Settings for the `` element. // Bootstrap uses $body-bg as default value for multiple variables but also in // the creation of CSS rules (not controlled by variables), which is wrong in // case of Odoo boxed layouts. In stable versions, this is fixed for default // variable values of critical components only. In 16.0, the problem increased // as $body-bg was even more used in BS 5.1.3. That will be fixed entirely in a // slightly less stable way: $body-bg will now be the boxed-layout color instead // of the behind-the-box color. In future bootstrap version (> 5.1.3), this // changed again so this logic may change again too. $body-bg: if(o-website-value('layout') != 'full', o-color('body'), o-color('o-cc1-bg')) !default; $body-color: o-color('o-cc1-text') or color-yiq(o-color('o-cc1-bg')) !default; // Links // // Style anchor elements. $-link-color: o-color('o-cc1-link'); $-link-color: if($-link-color, $-link-color, o-color('primary')); $link-color: auto-contrast($-link-color, o-color('o-cc1-bg'), 'o-cc1-link') !default; $link-hover-color: auto-contrast(darken($link-color, 15%), o-color('o-cc1-bg'), 'o-cc1-link') !default; $link-decoration: if(o-website-value('link-underline') == 'always', underline, none) !default; $link-hover-decoration: if(o-website-value('link-underline') != 'never', underline, none) !default; // Components // // Define common padding and border radius sizes and more. // Note: for the 'active' color, color preset edition is not really flexible but // this could come in a future update. $component-active-bg: o-color('o-cc1-btn-primary') !default; $component-active-color: if($component-active-bg, color-yiq($component-active-bg), null) !default; // Fonts // // Font, line-height, and color for body text, headings, and more. $font-family-sans-serif: $o-theme-font !default; $font-size-base: o-website-value('font-size-base') !default; $h1-font-size: $font-size-base * $o-theme-h1-font-size-multiplier !default; $h2-font-size: $font-size-base * $o-theme-h2-font-size-multiplier !default; $h3-font-size: $font-size-base * $o-theme-h3-font-size-multiplier !default; $h4-font-size: $font-size-base * $o-theme-h4-font-size-multiplier !default; $h5-font-size: $font-size-base * $o-theme-h5-font-size-multiplier !default; $h6-font-size: $font-size-base * $o-theme-h6-font-size-multiplier !default; $headings-font-family: $o-theme-headings-font !default; $headings-color: o-color('o-cc1-headings') !default; $text-muted: mute-color($body-color) !default; // Buttons // // For each of Bootstrap's buttons, define text, background, and border color. $btn-padding-y: o-website-value('btn-padding-y') !default; $btn-padding-x: o-website-value('btn-padding-x') !default; $btn-font-size: o-website-value('btn-font-size') !default; $btn-padding-y-sm: o-website-value('btn-padding-y-sm') !default; $btn-padding-x-sm: o-website-value('btn-padding-x-sm') !default; $btn-font-size-sm: o-website-value('btn-font-size-sm') !default; $btn-padding-y-lg: o-website-value('btn-padding-y-lg') !default; $btn-padding-x-lg: o-website-value('btn-padding-x-lg') !default; $btn-font-size-lg: o-website-value('btn-font-size-lg') !default; $btn-border-width: o-website-value('btn-border-width') !default; $btn-border-radius: o-website-value('btn-border-radius') !default; $btn-border-radius-lg: o-website-value('btn-border-radius-lg') !default; $btn-border-radius-sm: o-website-value('btn-border-radius-sm') !default; // Forms $input-padding-y: o-website-value('input-padding-y') !default; $input-padding-x: o-website-value('input-padding-x') !default; $input-font-size: o-website-value('input-font-size') !default; $input-padding-y-sm: o-website-value('input-padding-y-sm') !default; $input-padding-x-sm: o-website-value('input-padding-x-sm') !default; $input-font-size-sm: o-website-value('input-font-size-sm') !default; $input-padding-y-lg: o-website-value('input-padding-y-lg') !default; $input-padding-x-lg: o-website-value('input-padding-x-lg') !default; $input-font-size-lg: o-website-value('input-font-size-lg') !default; $input-border-width: o-website-value('input-border-width') !default; $input-border-radius: o-website-value('input-border-radius') !default; $input-border-radius-lg: o-website-value('input-border-radius-lg') !default; $input-border-radius-sm: o-website-value('input-border-radius-sm') !default; // Navs $nav-tabs-link-active-bg: o-color('o-cc1-bg') !default; // Navbar // Increase default navbar padding for some navbar styles $navbar-padding-y: if(index(('fill', 'pills', 'outline'), o-website-value('header-links-style')), ($spacer / 2) * 1.25, null) !default; $navbar-nav-link-padding-x: if(index(('outline', 'block'), o-website-value('header-links-style')), .5rem * 3, null) !default; $navbar-nav-link-padding-x: if(o-website-value('header-links-style') == 'border-bottom', .5rem * 2, null) !default; // Jumbotron $jumbotron-bg: transparent !default; // Bootstrap Review $o-btn-outline-defaults: () !default; @each $color in ('primary', 'secondary') { @if o-website-value('btn-#{$color}-outline') { $o-btn-outline-defaults: append($o-btn-outline-defaults, $color); } } // Increase default navbar pills padding for 'pills' mode and add big radius $o-navbar-nav-pills-link-padding-x: if(o-website-value('header-links-style') == 'pills', 1rem * 1.5, null) !default; $o-navbar-nav-pills-link-border-radius: if(o-website-value('header-links-style') == 'pills', 10rem, null) !default;