/// /// This files regroups the variables and mixins which are specific to the editor. /// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Odoo Editor UI //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $o-we-bg-darkest: #000000 !default; $o-we-bg-darker: #141217 !default; $o-we-bg-dark: #191922 !default; $o-we-bg-light: #2b2b33 !default; $o-we-bg-lighter: #3e3e46 !default; $o-we-bg-lightest: #595964 !default; $o-we-fg-darker: #9d9d9d !default; $o-we-fg-dark: #C6C6C6 !default; $o-we-fg-light: #D9D9D9 !default; $o-we-fg-lighter: #FFFFFF !default; $o-we-color-danger: #e6586c !default; $o-we-color-warning: #f0ad4e !default; $o-we-color-success: #40ad67 !default; $o-we-color-info: #6999a8 !default; $o-we-bg: $o-we-bg-light !default; $o-we-color: $o-we-fg-light !default; $o-we-font-size: 13px !default; $o-we-font-family: Roboto, 'Montserrat', 'Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default; $o-we-accent: #01bad2 !default; $o-we-border-width: 1px !default; $o-we-border-color: $o-we-bg-light !default; $o-we-ace-color: #2F3129 !default; // Needed to be changed to be high enough to not overflow when a user // has a page with a lot of content (10000px was proven to be too small) $o-we-handles-offset-to-hide: 100000px !default; $o-we-handles-btn-size: 20px !default; $o-we-handles-accent-color: $o-we-accent !default; $o-we-handles-accent-color-preview: $o-enterprise-color !default; $o-we-handle-edge-size: 8px !default; $o-we-handle-border-width: 2px !default; $o-we-dropzone-size: 30px !default; // $grid-gutter-width (todo: allow to use the variable) $o-we-dropzone-border-width: 2px !default; $o-we-dropzone-border: $o-we-dropzone-border-width dashed $o-brand-odoo !default; // Translations $o-we-content-to-translate-color: rgb(255, 255, 90) !default; $o-we-translated-content-color: rgb(120, 215, 110) !default; $o-we-toolbar-height: 32px !default; $o-we-item-spacing: 8px !default; $o-we-item-border-width: 1px !default; $o-we-item-border-color: $o-we-bg-darkest !default; $o-we-item-border-radius: 2px !default; $o-we-item-clickable-bg: $o-we-bg-lightest!default; $o-we-item-clickable-color: $o-we-fg-light!default; $o-we-item-clickable-hover-bg: $o-we-bg-dark!default; $o-we-item-pressed-bg: $o-we-bg-light !default; $o-we-item-pressed-color: $o-we-fg-lighter !default; $o-we-item-standup-color-light: $o-we-fg-lighter; $o-we-item-standup-color-dark: $o-we-bg-darkest; $o-we-item-standup-top: inset 0 1px 0; $o-we-item-standup-bottom: inset 0 -1px 0; $o-we-dropdown-spacing: $o-we-item-spacing !default; $o-we-dropdown-bg: $o-we-bg-darker !default; $o-we-dropdown-border-width: 1px !default; $o-we-dropdown-border-color: $o-we-bg-darkest !default; $o-we-dropdown-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(black, 0.5) !default; $o-we-dropdown-item-height: 34px !default; $o-we-dropdown-item-spacing: 1px !default; $o-we-dropdown-item-bg: $o-we-bg-lightest !default; $o-we-dropdown-item-bg-hover: $o-we-bg-light !default; $o-we-dropdown-item-color: $o-we-fg-dark !default; $o-we-dropdown-item-hover-color: $o-we-fg-light !default; $o-we-dropdown-item-active-bg: mix($o-we-dropdown-item-bg, $o-we-dropdown-item-bg-hover) !default; $o-we-dropdown-item-active-color: $o-we-fg-lighter !default; $o-we-dropdown-caret-spacing: 2px !default; $o-we-sidebar-bg: $o-we-bg !default; $o-we-sidebar-color: $o-we-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-font-size: 12px !default; $o-we-sidebar-border-width: $o-we-border-width !default; $o-we-sidebar-border-color: $o-we-border-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-width: $o-we-sidebar-border-width + 290px !default; $o-we-sidebar-top-height: 46px !default; $o-we-sidebar-tabs-size-ratio: 1 !default; $o-we-sidebar-tabs-bg: $o-we-bg-darker !default; $o-we-sidebar-tabs-color: $o-we-sidebar-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-tabs-disabled-color: $o-we-fg-darker !default; $o-we-sidebar-tabs-active-border-width: 2px !default; $o-we-sidebar-tabs-active-border-color: $o-we-accent !default; $o-we-sidebar-tabs-active-color: $o-we-fg-lighter !default; $o-we-sidebar-blocks-content-bg: $o-we-bg-dark !default; $o-we-sidebar-blocks-content-spacing: 10px !default; $o-we-sidebar-blocks-content-snippet-spacing: 2px !default; $o-we-sidebar-blocks-content-snippet-bg: $o-we-bg-lighter !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-highlight-bar-width: 2px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-highlight-bar-color: $o-we-accent !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-gutter-item-indent: 5px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-padding-base: 10px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-indent: $o-we-sidebar-content-gutter-item-indent + $o-we-sidebar-content-padding-base !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-backdrop-bg: rgba(black, 0.2) !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-available-room: $o-we-sidebar-width - $o-we-sidebar-content-padding-base - $o-we-sidebar-content-indent !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-main-title-height: 32px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-main-title-color: $o-we-fg-lighter !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-main-title-font-size: 13px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-block-spacing: 10px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-fold-block-bg: $o-we-bg-light !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-spacing: $o-we-item-spacing !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-color: $o-we-fg-darker !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-control-item-color: $o-we-fg-darker !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-control-item-size: 1em !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-control-item-spacing: 0.5em !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-label-spacing: 6px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-label-width: $o-we-sidebar-content-available-room * .4 !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-multi-spacing: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-label-spacing * .5 !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-height: 22px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-border-width: $o-we-item-border-width !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-border-color:$o-we-item-border-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-border-radius: $o-we-item-border-radius !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-disabled-color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-control-item-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-bg: $o-we-item-clickable-bg !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-color: $o-we-item-clickable-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-spacing: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-label-spacing !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-pressed-bg: $o-we-item-pressed-bg !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-pressed-color: $o-we-item-pressed-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-spacing: $o-we-dropdown-spacing !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-bg: $o-we-dropdown-bg !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-border-width: $o-we-dropdown-border-width !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-border-color: $o-we-dropdown-border-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-shadow: $o-we-dropdown-shadow !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-height: $o-we-dropdown-item-height !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-spacing: $o-we-dropdown-item-spacing !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-bg: $o-we-dropdown-item-bg !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-bg-hover: $o-we-dropdown-item-bg-hover !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-color: $o-we-dropdown-item-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-hover-color: $o-we-dropdown-item-hover-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-active-bg: $o-we-dropdown-item-active-bg !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-active-color: $o-we-dropdown-item-active-color !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-size: 20px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-size-large: 26px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.5) !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-dropdown-bg: $o-we-bg-lightest !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-dropdown-color: $o-we-fg-light !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-dropdown-active-color: $o-we-fg-lighter !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-cc-width: 208px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-cc-height: 26px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-input-max-width: 60px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-input-bg: $o-we-bg-light !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-input-font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-input-unit-font-size: 11px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-input-border-color: $o-we-accent !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-button-group-button-spacing: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-spacing; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-progress-height: 4px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-progress-control-height: 10px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-progress-color: $o-we-fg-darker !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-progress-active-color: $o-we-accent !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-width: 20px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-height: 12px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-bg: $o-we-fg-darker !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-active-bg: $o-we-accent !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-control-width: 11px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-control-height: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-height - 2px !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-control-bg: $o-we-fg-lighter !default; $o-we-sidebar-content-field-toggle-control-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 $o-we-bg-darkest !default; $o-we-technical-modal-zindex: 2001; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Preview component Mixins //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @mixin o-we-preview-box($color-text: white) { border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid white; background-image: linear-gradient(-150deg, $o-we-bg-light, $o-we-bg-dark); color: $color-text; } @mixin o-we-preview-content { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden; box-shadow: 0 0 15px 2px #000; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Mixins to shield UI from themed bootstrap //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @mixin o-w-preserve-base { font-size: $o-we-font-size; font-family: $o-we-font-family; line-height: 1.5; color: #33363e; .text-muted { color: #999999 !important; } } @mixin o-w-preserve-headings { h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 { font-family: $o-we-font-family; line-height: 1.5; color: $o-we-bg-light; font-weight: bold; } h1, .h1 { font-size: 2.4 * $o-we-font-size; } h2, .h2 { font-size: 1.5 * $o-we-font-size; } h3, .h3 { font-size: 1.3 * $o-we-font-size; } h4, .h4 { font-size: 1.2 * $o-we-font-size; } h5, .h5 { font-size: 1.1 * $o-we-font-size; } h6, .h6 { font-size: $o-we-font-size; } } @mixin o-w-preserve-links { a:not(.o_btn_preview) { color: $o-brand-primary; &:focus, &:active, &:focus:active { outline: none!important; } } .badge { &:hover a, a { color: #fff; } } } @mixin o-w-preserve-forms { :not(.input-group):not(.form-group):not(.input-group-append):not(.input-group-prepend) > .form-control { height: 34px; } .form-control { padding: 6px 12px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.5; border: 1px solid #d4d5d7; color: #555; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 0; &.is-invalid { border-color: $danger; } } .input-group .form-control { height: auto; } .input-group-text { background-color: #e9ecef; } .was-validated { .form-control:invalid { border-color: $danger; } } select.form-control { appearance: none; background: url(' sbnM6eGxpbms9J2h0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzE5OTkveGxpbmsnIHdpZHRoPScyNCcgaGVpZ2 h0PScyNCcgdmlld0JveD0nMCAwIDI0IDI0Jz48cGF0aCBpZD0nc3ZnXzEnIGQ9J203LjQwNiw3L jgyOGw0LjU5NCw0LjU5NGw0LjU5NCwtNC41OTRsMC40MDYsMS40MDZsLTUsNC43NjZsLTUsLTQu NzY2bDAuNDA2LC0xLjQwNnonIGZpbGw9JyM4ODgnLz48L3N2Zz4='); background-position: 100% 65%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } } @mixin o-w-preserve-modals { .modal-content { border-radius: 0; background-color: white; .modal-header { border-bottom-color: #e9ecef; } .modal-body { background-color: white; } .modal-footer { border-top-color: #e9ecef; text-align: left; } } .close { font-size: 1.5 * $o-we-font-size; } } @mixin o-w-preserve-tabs { .nav-tabs { border-bottom: 1px solid #e9ecef; > li { > a { line-height: 1.5; color: #4e525b; &:hover { border-color: #dee2e6; } &.active { &, &:hover, &:focus { color: #3D4047; background-color: white; border-color: #dee2e6 #dee2e6 #FFFFFF; } } } } } } @mixin o-w-preserve-btn { .btn:not(.o_btn_preview) { border-radius: 0; font-weight: normal; text-transform: none; @include button-size(.375rem, .75rem, 0.875rem, 1.5, 0); &.btn-primary { @include button-variant($o-brand-primary, $o-brand-primary); color: white; } &.btn-secondary { @include button-variant(white, white); color: $o-brand-primary; } &.btn-link { @include button-variant(white, white); color: $o-brand-primary; } &.btn-success { @include button-variant($o-we-color-success, $o-we-color-success); color: white; } &.btn-info { @include button-variant($o-we-color-info, $o-we-color-info); color: white; } &.btn-warning { @include button-variant($o-we-color-warning, $o-we-color-warning); color: #33363e; } &.btn-danger { @include button-variant($o-we-color-danger, $o-we-color-danger); color: #33363e; } } } @mixin o-w-preserve-cards { .card { padding: 19px; margin-bottom: 20px; background-color: white; border: 1px solid darken(white, 5%); border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; } } @mixin o-w-preserve-dropdown-menus { .dropdown-menu { background-color: white; } .dropdown-item { color: #212529; @include hover-focus { color: darken(#212529, 5%); } &.active, &:active { color: white; @include gradient-bg($o-brand-primary); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Edited content //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $o-support-13-0-color-system: false !default; $o-checklist-margin-left: 20px; $o-checklist-checkmark-width: 2px; $o-checklist-before-size: 13px; // Edition colors // Note: the "base" palettes contain all possible keys a palette should or // must contain, with a default value which should work in use cases where it // will be used. Any palette defined by an app will be merged with the base // palette once selected to ensure it works. // Colors $o-base-color-palette: ( 'o-color-1': transparent, 'o-color-2': transparent, 'o-color-3': transparent, 'o-color-4': transparent, 'o-color-5': transparent, ) !default; $o-color-palettes: ( ( 'o-color-1': scale-color($o-enterprise-primary-color, $saturation: -50%, $lightness: 20%), 'o-color-2': scale-color($o-enterprise-color, $saturation: -50%), 'o-color-3': #F6F6F6, 'o-color-4': #FFFFFF, 'o-color-5': #383E45, ), ( 'o-color-1': #337ab7, 'o-color-2': #e9ecef, 'o-color-3': #F8F9FA, 'o-color-4': #FFFFFF, 'o-color-5': #343a40, 'menu': 2, 'footer': 2, 'copyright': 5, ), ) !default; $o-color-palette-number: 1 !default; // Theme colors $o-base-theme-color-palette: () !default; $o-theme-color-palettes: ( // alpha -> epsilon are old color names kept for compatibility. // They should not be used in the code base anymore and ideally they will // not generate any classes for >= 13.4 databases. ( 'alpha': $o-enterprise-primary-color, 'beta': $o-enterprise-color, 'gamma': #5C5B80, 'delta': #5B899E, 'epsilon': #E46F78, ), ) !default; $o-theme-color-palette-number: 1 !default; // Greyscale transparent colours // Note: BS values are forced by default in every palette as the values can // be used in bootstrap_overridden.scss files through the o-color function. // Also, all of the gray colors generates bg- classes in Odoo so black and white // are added for the same reason. $o-base-gray-color-palette: ( 'white': #FFFFFF, '100': #F8F9FA, '200': #E9ECEF, '300': #DEE2E6, '400': #CED4DA, '500': #ADB5BD, '600': #6C757D, '700': #495057, '800': #343A40, '900': #212529, 'black': #000000, ) !default; $o-transparent-grays: ( 'black-15': rgba(black, 0.15), 'black-25': rgba(black, 0.25), 'black-50': rgba(black, 0.5), 'black-75': rgba(black, 0.75), 'white-25': rgba(white, 0.25), 'white-50': rgba(white, 0.5), 'white-75': rgba(white, 0.75), 'white-85': rgba(white, 0.85), ) !default; $o-gray-color-palettes: () !default; $o-gray-color-palette-number: 1 !default; // Color combinations $o-base-color-combination: ( 'bg': 'white', 'text': null, // Default to better contrast with the 'bg' 'headings': null, // Default to 'text' 'h2': null, // Default to 'h(x-1)' 'h3': null, 'h4': null, 'h5': null, 'h6': null, 'link': null, // Default to BS 'primary' (= first odoo color) 'btn-primary': null, // Default to BS 'primary' (= first odoo color) 'btn-primary-border': null, // Default to 'btn-primary' 'btn-secondary': null, // Default to BS 'secondary' (= second odoo color) 'btn-secondary-border': null, // Default to 'btn-secondary' ); $o-color-combinations-presets: ( ( ( 'bg': 'o-color-4', ), ( 'bg': 'o-color-3', 'headings': 'o-color-1', ), ( 'bg': 'o-color-2', 'btn-secondary': 'o-color-3', ), ( 'bg': 'o-color-1', 'link': 'o-color-5', 'btn-primary': 'o-color-5', 'btn-secondary': 'o-color-3', ), ( 'bg': 'o-color-5', 'headings': 'o-color-4', 'btn-secondary': 'o-color-3', ), ), ) !default; $o-color-combinations-preset-number: 1; // We allow snippets to be colored and elements like card and columns to be // colored as well. We need components targeted by those colored classes to // use the deepest coloring element config. We only allow here for this to // work for one level of nesting. Note: snippets which can contain other // snippets will have problem because of this; this is a limitation of the // system until a better solution is found. $o-color-extras-nesting-selector: '&, .o_colored_level &'; // Apply colors according to the given identifier. Can either be a preset // number, a color name or a css color. @mixin o-apply-colors($identifier, $with-extras: true, $background: $body-bg) { $-related-color: o-related-color($identifier, $max-recursions: 10); @if type-of($-related-color) == 'number' { // This is a preset to be applied, just extend it. This should probably // be avoided and use the class in XML if possible. @extend .o_cc; @extend .o_cc#{$-related-color}; } @else { @include o-bg-color(o-color($-related-color), $with-extras: $with-extras, $background: $background, $important: false); } } // Function which returns if a color has contrast enough in comparaison to // another given color. @function has-enough-contrast($color1, $color2) { $r: (max(red($color1), red($color2))) - (min(red($color1), red($color2))); $g: (max(green($color1), green($color2))) - (min(green($color1), green($color2))); $b: (max(blue($color1), blue($color2))) - (min(blue($color1), blue($color2))); $sum-rgb: $r + $g + $b; @return ($sum-rgb >= 500); } // Function which transforms a color to increase its contrast in comparison to // another given color. @function increase-contrast($color1, $color2) { @if not $color1 or not $color2 { @return null; } $luma-c1: luma($color1); $luma-c2: luma($color2); $lightness-c1: lightness($color1); $lightness-inc: if($luma-c1 < $luma-c2, -1%, 1%); $i: 0; // Max 15% lightness change even if not contrasted enough @while ($lightness-c1 > 0.1% and $lightness-c1 < 99.9% and $i < 15 and not has-enough-contrast($color1, $color2)) { $color1: adjust-color($color1, $lightness: $lightness-inc); $lightness-c1: $lightness-c1 + $lightness-inc; $i: $i + 1; } @return $color1; } // Print a document property the right way (depending on the type of the printed // variable). @mixin print-variable($key, $value) { @if $value != null { $-type: type-of($value); @if $-type == 'string' { --#{$key}: '#{$value}'; } @else if $-type == 'list' { --#{$key}: #{inspect($value)}; } @else { --#{$key}: #{$value}; } } } // format: (module_name: (shape_filename: ('position': X, 'size': Y, 'colors': (1, [3], ...)), ...)) $o-bg-shapes: ('web_editor': ( 'Airy/01': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/02': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/03': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/04': ('position': center, 'size': 100% 100%, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/05': ('position': center, 'size': 100% 100%, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/06': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/07': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/08': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/09': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/10': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/11': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/12': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/13': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Airy/14': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/01': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/02': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/03': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/04': ('position': center, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/05': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/06': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/07': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/08': ('position': right, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/09': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/10': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/11': ('position': center, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Blobs/12': ('position': bottom, 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100% auto, 'colors': (1, 2, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/01': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/02': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/03': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/04': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/05': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/06': ('position': center, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/07': ('position': center, 'size': 100% 100%, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/08': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/09': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/10': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/11': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/12': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/13': ('position': center, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/14': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Origins/15': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/01': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/02': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 4, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/03': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2, 4, 5), 'repeat-y': true), 'Rainy/04': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/05': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/05_001': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/06': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 2, 3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/07': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 2, 3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/08': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Rainy/09': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/01': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/02': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/03': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/04': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/05': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/06': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 3, 4, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/06_001': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 3, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/07': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/08': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/09': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/10': ('position': center, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/11': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/12': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/13': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (4), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/14': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1, 3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/15': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/16': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/17': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/18': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/19': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (5), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/20': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/21': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/22': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Wavy/23': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), 'Zigs/01': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Zigs/02': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (2), 'repeat-y': false), 'Zigs/03': ('position': top, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': true), 'Zigs/04': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (1), 'repeat-y': false), 'Zigs/05': ('position': bottom, 'size': 100% auto, 'colors': (3), 'repeat-y': false), ));